Universal decimal calendar and time system

Our calendar and time system has been around for a very long time, it works well but there are still many painpoints especially timezones,  converting minutes into hours and more.

Here we are going to look at creating a new date/time system which is decimalised and can be used worldwide.

Detect speech using the Web Speech Recognition API

As the web matures, we can use interfaces and sensors with improved cross browser/device compatibility. However normally we are given access to the raw data and expected to do our own processing. This has made detecting speech in audio data very intensive, and inaccessible for lower end devices.

The formalising of a Web Speech API opens up a realm of possibilities because it moves the processing into the native browser code and out of javascript. We can now access speech input data much easier and efficiently.

Use ES6 JavaScript today using System.JS, Babel, JSPM and Gulp

Developers are always looking forward to future JavaScript features, including structured classes shorthand coding and helpers. However many of these features are not standardised and/or compatible with all modern browsers, and the ones that are agreed are not supported by legacy browsers.

There are many tools which allow you as a developer to write using future features, and the tools will convert your code to support other browsers. Today we are going to look at how they work and an example workflow which you can use now on live projects.